For many people, somewhere along the way two Facebook Pages were created, and/or a Facebook Page and a Personal Profile were created that you'd love to have mashed together into one, manageable Facebook Page. This article will show you how to merge those together and keep your friends/fans/likes. You'll lose some content along the way, but your audience will remain! It can be finicky, but give the steps a shot, and you should find success.

If you have a Personal Facebook Account that you're trying to merge into an existing Facebook Page, you'll first need to convert the personal account into a Facebook Page. See Convert Your Personal Account To A Facebook Page for a complete walk-through.

You can merge Facebook Pages if:

  • You're an admin of both Pages
  • Your Pages have the same name and represent the same thing
  • Your Pages have the same address, if they have physical locations

To merge your Pages:

  1. Go to

  2. Select two Pages you want to merge and click Merge Pages
  3. Select the Page you want to keep and click Keep Page
  4. Click Confirm

If you were ABLE to merge your Facebook Pages:

  • The Page you want to keep will remain unchanged, except for the addition of people who like the Page and check-ins that were merged from the other Page.
  • The Page you don't want to keep will be removed from Facebook, and you won't be able to unmerge it.

If you were UNABLE to merge your Facebook Pages:

  • Your Facebook Pages aren't eligible to be merged.
  • However, if you see the option to request to merge your Pages, your request will be reviewed by Facebook.

You can read more about this on this Facebook Help page.