Under NEWS, choose either 1- Add A News Story, to add a new news story or 2- View All, in order to edit a news story already in the system. Enter the info in all the fields and hit submit and it’s live! Both the “Abstract” and “Full Story” boxes work like pages in the Pages module. You can add text, links, and even photos. BUT a better way to add pictures, PDFs, and/or Word documents is to use Add Media at the bottom of the page. You can add as many pictures, PDFs, and/or Word documents as you like, but you must add them one at a time. To add media to the news story (a pdf, image, etc.), choose which type of media it is (picture or document), give it a name, browse to the file, and then hit SUBMIT at the bottom of the page. Wait for the page to re-load, this time with your media attached to the News story. NOTE: You MUST hit SUBMIT after selecting the file, even if you are not finished adding everything to the News story. You can always edit the information.